Pull Yourself Up By Your Bootstraps



Why don’t you just pull yourself up by your bootstraps?

My great great great grandfather moved to the United States from Ireland and secured some land through a government land ownership program.

He went on to lead many successful battles for the South in the Civil War

He pulled himself up by his bootstraps

His slaves became employees of my great great grandfather

He ran a successful garment company in Alabama

He overcame some of the first employee protests with ease

He pulled himself up by his bootstraps

My great grandfather grew the garment company and sold it to another firm.

He became a politician and put up an excellent fight against integration and bossy women.

He pulled himself up by his bootstraps.

My grandfather used his trust fund to start a successful investment firm.    He made a fortune from shrewd investments in tobacco, mining, alcohol and sugar water.

He has supported and advocated for tougher criminal sentences, reduction in welfare programs, tougher immigration laws and lower taxes for those in his tax bracket.

He pulled himself up by his bootstraps.

Why cant you?

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